616.588.8880 Appointment

NeoGraft in Grand Rapids, MI

Hair You Won't Need A Hat For

Grand Rapids NeoGraft with New Vista Hair Restoration Center

Hair loss, although natural, can send you scouring the internet for anything to bring back that full head of hair. If you're looking for a hair transplant procedure that's safe, minimally invasive and yields excellent results, NeoGraft at New Vista Hair Restoration Center in Grand Rapids, MI, is the way to go. The procedure is performed by a team of experts who use the latest technology to give you optimal results.

A Head Above The Rest

What is NeoGraft

At our hair restoration center in Grand Rapids NeoGraft is a highly advanced hair transplant procedure that boasts many benefits over other methods. Using the minimally invasive follicular unit extraction (FUE) method, NeoGraft safely collects individual hair follicles from a donor area and transplants them to the affected area of hair loss. What sets NeoGraft apart from other hair transplant techniques is its innovative use of an FDA-approved automated device for hair restoration.

This pioneering tool enables the precise extraction of hair follicle units, ensuring exceptional results. Not only does NeoGraft produce outstanding outcomes, but it also reduces the time required for execution and recovery compared to other methods. As a result, this technique is a superior choice for those seeking a minimally invasive hair restoration solution.

Stimulate Growth at the Follicles

What are the benefits of NeoGraft?

NeoGraft is an advanced, safe, and minimally invasive hair transplant technique that offers a multitude of benefits. It is performed under oral medication and sedation, eliminating the need for intravenous or intra-muscular sedation. Patients undergoing the NeoGraft procedure experience minimal discomfort, as there are no scalpels, incisions, sutures, or linear scars involved, and they recover quickly.

Choosing NeoGraft for your hair transplant procedure means you benefit from the latest and most sophisticated technology available. Our team of experts offers unparalleled technical skills and aesthetic considerations, ensuring optimal results for our patients.

NeoGraft Grand Rapids

The Latest in Hair Restoration

Your NeoGraft Consultation

Schedule a consultation with one of our aesthetic experts at New Vista Hair Restoration Center to learn more about NeoGraft. This innovative hair restoration technique uses the latest technology to extract individual hair follicles from the back of your scalp and transplant them to the areas where you need more hair.

With NeoGraft Grand Rapids patients can enjoy natural-looking results without the downtime or scarring associated with traditional hair transplant methods. Don't let hair loss hold you back any longer — book your consultation today and take the first step towards a fuller head of hair and renewed confidence.

Comprehensive Process

Your NeoGraft Procedure

NeoGraft is a hair restoration technique that follows a systematic process to ensure successful results. The first step involves creating the hairline and numbing the scalp is the first. Local anesthesia is then applied to the area where the transplant will occur to minimize discomfort and prepare the patient for the extraction process. Next, a NeoGraft handpiece that uses pneumatic pressure extracts hair follicles.

These extracted follicles are then carefully implanted into the balding area. To prevent any bleeding or discomfort, the dressing may be applied to the extraction and implantation sites. Overall, NeoGraft's hair restoration technique is a comprehensive process that guarantees a comfortable and successful hair transplant.

A Natural Process

NeoGraft Results

Following a hair transplant with NeoGraft Grand Rapids patients might observe a temporary thinning of their hair for several months. This is completely normal and occurs as a natural shedding phase of the implanted hair follicles, which signifies the transition into the growth phase for new hair. It is important to be patient as it may take some time to witness the full results of your NeoGraft transplant. After approximately three to four months you'll see growth and then in one year to 18 months for final results and you will be able to fully appreciate the healthy and natural-looking hair that the procedure has provided. So, if you experience temporary thinning after the transplant, rest assured that the wait will be worthwhile in the end.

NeoGraft Grand Rapids

Your New Look

NeoGraft Recovery and Aftercare

During recovery, don't wash your scalp for at least 24 hours post-transplant, avoid wearing hats for several days, and limit strenuous activity for at least two weeks. You may be able to return to work within a day or two of the procedure, but scabs may still be visible. Follow your doctor's aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and the best possible outcome. In the end, the temporary adjustments to your routine will be worth the fuller head of hair you'll achieve.

NeoGraft Frequently Asked Questions

The number of sessions you'll need for hair restoration depends on your hair restoration goals. Depending on the degree of your hair loss, we'll help you determine the best plan for you.

No, you can't use someone else's hair follicles for a transplant because your body would reject them. NeoGraft works well because it uses your own hair follicles. Your body recognizes them as part of you, allowing them to grow hair naturally.

Yes, NeoGraft is suitable for both men and women experiencing hair loss or thinning. The procedure is designed to address common types of hair loss, such as male pattern baldness or female pattern hair loss. Whether you're a man or a woman, NeoGraft can help you achieve natural-looking results by transplanting your own hair follicles to areas of thinning or baldness.

Yes, the results of a NeoGraft hair transplant are considered to be permanent. This is because the procedure involves transplanting your own healthy hair follicles to the areas affected by hair loss or thinning. These transplanted follicles are resistant to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is responsible for causing hair loss in genetically susceptible individuals. As a result, the transplanted hair follicles continue to grow naturally and are not affected by the hair loss process. However, it's important to note that the procedure does not prevent future hair loss in other areas, so it's essential to discuss long-term hair loss management strategies with your healthcare provider.

Hair Restoration Consultation

A Comfortable & SupportiveExperience

Hair loss can be a sensitive issue, and at New Vista Hair Restoration Center, we are committed to providing our patients with a comfortable and supportive environment. During your consultation, our experts will evaluate your hair loss and discuss your goals and expectations. We will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.