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Hair Transplant Candidates in Grand Rapids, MI

Regain Confidence and Restore Hairlines

Good Candidates for NeoGraft in Grand Rapids, MI

NeoGraft hair restoration is a cutting-edge hair transplant procedure that can help individuals regain their confidence and restore their hairline. At New Vista Hair Restoration Center in Grand Rapids, MI, we understand that not all patients are suitable candidates for a hair transplant. Therefore, we carefully evaluate each patient's suitability during a consultation with our hair restoration specialists and have several solutions available.

Filling in Follicles

What is NeoGraft?

NeoGraft hair restoration is a minimally invasive hair transplant procedure that has become increasingly popular in recent years. This technique involves harvesting hair follicles from one area of the scalp and transplanting them to thinning or balding areas. While this procedure can be effective for most, not everyone is a candidate for NeoGraft hair restoration.

Hair Transplant Candidate Grand Rapids Before
Hair Transplant Candidate Grand Rapids After

Grow Your Own

Am I a good candidate for NeoGraft?

Good candidates for NeoGraft hair restoration typically include individuals with mild to moderate hair loss, receding hairlines, or thinning hair who have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. They should also have healthy hair in the donor area, typically the back of the head, where the hair follicles will be harvested from. Additionally, the hair transplant candidate should have enough donor hair to achieve the desired level of coverage and density. Ideal candidates for NeoGraft hair restoration should have realistic expectations for hair regrowth results.

It is essential to understand that the procedure does not guarantee complete hair restoration, and some patients may require multiple sessions to achieve their desired results. In addition, patients must have a healthy scalp and adequate donor hair to be considered for the procedure. Candidates who may not be suitable candidates for NeoGraft hair restoration include individuals with advanced hair loss. In addition, people with certain autoimmune disorders, blood clotting disorders, or a history of skin cancer may also be considered unsuitable candidates.

Hair Transplant Candidate Grand Rapids

Personalized Care for Each Candidate

Your NeoGraft Consultation

Before undergoing NeoGraft hair restoration, candidates should schedule a consultation with a qualified hair restoration specialist to discuss their individual cases and determine if they are a good candidate for the procedure. This consultation will also provide an opportunity to discuss the potential risks and benefits of the procedure, as well as the expected outcome. If you are looking to restore your receding hairline, fill in thinning hair, and regain your confidence, NeoGraft hair restoration may be the perfect solution for you.

At New Vista Hair Restoration Center Grand Rapids hair transplant candidates will have their suitability for the treatment evaluated during a consultation with our hair restoration specialists. We will always recommend the best treatment plan for you. At this time, we will also discuss the price, preparation, recovery, and more with the patient. We take a personalized approach to each patient, and we will recommend the most suitable treatment plan based on their individual needs and goals.

Hair Restoration Consultation

A Comfortable & SupportiveExperience

Hair loss can be a sensitive issue, and at New Vista Hair Restoration Center, we are committed to providing our patients with a comfortable and supportive environment. During your consultation, our experts will evaluate your hair loss and discuss your goals and expectations. We will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.